
Lane Borden-Sentex

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Lane Borden-Sentex

I was born and grew up in New Orleans (Louisiana) in the US. This made me particularly interested in France from a very young age.

After finishing university, I started traveling, continuing my studies and working in various countries throughout the world, but there was always something that told me I would end up in France one day.

So, it was no surprise when I came to the South of France in 2012 to work on a vineyard in Vauvert (WWOOFING) that it felt like home. It was not just the culture, the landscapes, and the language, but it was also a young winemaker I happened to meet.

After several more travels, that same winemaker and I decided to return to Vauvert, the place where we fell in love, to start our life together as well as our business, « Un Coin Sur Terre, » our little place on Earth.

Edouard Sentex
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